
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Amazing R+F Story - Cassidi

What convinced me to join R+F as a consultant was not only to share these AMAZING products, but to change my life as well!

There are so many amazing personal stories in this company, but this one is one of my favorites. It's from Cassidi Coder, a 23 gorgeous 23 year old who made the choice to have an incredible life by joining Rodan and Fields. Cassidi (left) and Makenzi (right) are sisters who started their business together, but have now branched out separately. Now both girls are making 6 figures annually!! 

Cassidi and Makenzi with Dr. Rodan and Dr. Fields
Think you've seen the doctors before? It's because you have!! They are the same dermatologist who created Pro Active :) 

Please read Cassidi's story below and then let me know if you are ready to begin your own amazing journey!!

"Throughout high school I had never dealt with any type of skin issue on my face... But my back was a different story! (Gross, I know!)

So in February of 2012, when my mom became an R+F consultant, she ordered me the Unblemish... She also showed me her first paycheck, which was 4 figures! WOW! When my products got there it was only a matter of days before I was leaving to go to Haiti for over 2 months. This was going to be my back's worst nightmare.. Sweat, 100 degree temps, the possibility for no shower everyday, no AC... But I used Unblemish as often as I could and by the time I returned home from Haiti my back was clear. And my mom's checks had also grown 3 times!

As a soon-to-be senior in college, I knew R+F was an opportunity I couldn't pass and I became a consultant. I worked probably 5-10 hours a week alongside 12-15 hours of school and a full-time nanny job. And by "work" I mean Facebook messages, text messages and emails to everyone I knew!

By the time May 2013 rolled around, my R+F income was surpassing my nanny income and I was able to take R+F on full-time. After making that switch, my income has grown nearly 10 times and I am now a Level 5 and a Lexus Achiever in the company.....and I am earning a 6 figure annual income.

This opportunity has TOTALLY surpassed all that I thought I would be doing at age 22. I can't believe that by sharing something that I LOVE, products that WORK and a business plan that is SIMPLE, I am able to live my dreams. Since becoming a consultant I have been able to travel to Haiti again and that is something I plan on doing for the rest of my life. I know my passion is people- from anywhere and everywhere- and R+F is the vehicle that allows me to go anywhere and everywhere!! I am SO beyond thankful for what this company has done for this freshly graduated 22 year old! It's amazing."

Cassidi Coder
LV and Lexus Achiever Rodan + Fields
Age 22

Cassidi is now 23 years old and a recent newlywed. Her husband is now her business partner, and they were able to pay for their entire wedding themselves!  They didn't miss any details either and were able to splurge on their dream day!!

It is so amazing to me that Cassidi started her own R&F business while she was in collge! I am growing my team now, and hope that I will be in Cassisi's shoes one day :)
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Lake Life

As much as I love the upstate, I really miss living by Lake Murray.  I came home and looked up some old pictures after spending the day with my family on the lake on Saturday. 
Living in Chapin and always being on the lake with friends was definitely the way best way to grow up! It was something that I think I now realize I took for granted. There were days that we would get out of school and all go right over to Paul's house to go out on the boat. 
We celebrated birthdays, sweet 16's, senior skip day, graduation parties, took pictures before prom, camping trips, and enjoyed any other opportunity just to be on the water! 
Looking back at these pictures and how much I love the people in them, really makes me miss high school! 
I can't believe that it was 6 years ago that we were all saying goodbye and going off to college! The years have really flown by and we are now all in separate times in our lives. Some friends are in school, some married, some with babies and some moved far away from South Carolina! I am glad I have these pictures to look back at remember these great times we all had together. Throwing it back to my senior quote: "I always knew I'd look back on my tears and laugh, but I never knew I'd look back on my laughs and cry". 

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Father's Day Weekend

This is one of my favorite pictures from our wedding and the very first one that I framed our in house! It was taken right after our father/ daughter dance at the wedding :)

My parents recently bought a pontoon, so what better way to celebrate Father's Day than being on the lake with family! My oldest brother and his wife and little girl came down from Charlotte, and Stu's dad was able to join us too! Jerry Durst grilled up some burgers and we had a few of his friends and Ma and one of her friends all join us for lunch before taking a ride on the pontoon and enjoying the lake! Mom fell in love with this duck that would eat out of your hands and Rosslyn loved to chase them around on land and quack at them :)

A hilarious picture from the day!! Rosslyn loves the water!!
 and then this happened.... 

We changed clothes and then went back out on the boat for dinner! It seemed like a long 40 mins by water, but we finally ended up at Charlie Worfman's for dinner :) On the way home, we got pulled by DNR because we had a light out. Of course Jerry Durst talked his way out of a ticket, and we ended up getting back to our dock at 10:30 to see this pretty full moon!!

Yes I know... it is hard to believe that I am the same fat little 3 year old you see in this picture, but it's me :) 
I must say that we both look much better in 2014 than in 1993!! 

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Friday, June 13, 2014

"That's Where It's At"

This past Wednesday night was Whistle 100's Pick in the Park concert with Dustin Lynch, The Swon Brothers, Dan & Shay, Cassade Pope & Parmalee! 

Thankfully I kept some friends at Clear Channel when I quit, and I was able to score some tickets and join in on the fun! We got some back stage passes, so that's how I managed to get some of these pictures! I have made it a tradition to take Taylor to all of them now since he went to the first one with me before Stu moved to Greenville :) and obviously Stu doesn't mind have a friend there because I am always running off to get in the middle of the action!

They rarely cooperate for pictures! 

Dustin Lynch was awesome! I gave him a coozie from our wedding :)

If you ever get the opportunity to go to one of Whistle 100's concerts, don't miss it! They bring in artist and have them all playing acoustic together on stage! It is such a cool experience and is so different than going to a big concert with 10,00 people!
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"Gotta Get Me Some Of That"

Stu and I rarely get to spend a weekend being lazy around the house or out enjoying Greenville so when we find a day to ourselves, we take it!

 Last weekend we stayed here and decided to head downtown to see what was going on early Saturday afternoon. We found a fun little festival downtown on the West End and lots of little shops that we had never visited before. We decided to head to Liberty Tap Room for a quick snack while we watched the horse race. While sitting in the crowd of California Crome fans, we decided we would just get an appetizer there, and then head to our favorite sushi restaurant for dinner! While enjoying our stroll downtown, we went over the the bridge to see get a quick picture!

I probably have mentioned this is 1 out of every 5 blog post, but I LOVE GREENVILLE! This picture was taken around 7:45 last Saturday night and you can see just a few people that were there enjoying the warm weather and water! We laughed at how many people were down there taking modeling pictures, but of course I wanted to go join them!

 Sunday we headed to Lexington to see Stu's brother (Brooks) for the day and enjoy some time with the family including the girls :) Stu loves his nieces and sweet Anna loves her Stu! Brooks was deployed to DC in March and will be there till March of 2015. We were happy that he got a weekend off to come visit, but we can't wait to go up there to visit him!