
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

I hope there's still a Tooth Fairy!

We're told when we're kids that if we leave our baby teeth under the pillow at night, the Tooth fairy will give us money. Well I'm 23, and I hope that she can afford the whopping amount that my insurance didn't pay today! $$$
I came home for lunch like most other days, but had no idea that I wouldn't be going back to work today. I had just finished eating my left over burrito from Moe's, and was getting my things together to head back into work. Knowing me, and the sweet tooth I have (or don't have anymore), I had to grab a piece of candy to eat on the way! As I starting chewing away on that Werther's Oringinal soft chew, I all of a sudden heard something crack. I spit the globe of candy out that I had in my mouth, and was shocked to see this...

YES, that white thing on the candy wrapper is 1/4 of one of my back teeth! I kind of laughed at the situation,  like seriously... this is happening to ME, the person who is literally scared of the dentist. After calling my mom and Stuart, who both thought it was a joke, I quickly called the closest dentist office I could find and went right in!
I ended up having to get two teeth filled, but was very happy with the dentist that I ended up going to. After it was all over, I could have sworn the left side of my face looked like a balloon, but I guess that's just me over reacting. 
It's been 7 hours since I got home, and my face and tongue still feel a little numb. Looking back at my adventurous day now, its still a shock this happened! I will definitely say that it won't be 4 years till I see the dentist again!!

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