
Wednesday, July 3, 2013

20 Questions + More

I am probably one of the only people that you know that will start asking you 20 questions about yourself when I first meet you. I am just a very curious person, and genuinely enjoy getting to know new people! You can imagine my excitment when someone at work sent this survey to all the employees to get to know them. I jumped on the questions and filled them out! Here is a list of the questions and my answers :)

List Of Getting To Know You Questions

·         Do you have any pets? One cat named Tipsy
·         What was the last book you read? Think Like A Cat (how to train a well-adjusted house cat and not a sour puss) By Pam Johnson Bennet
·         Do you like to cook? Occasionally, I am more of a betty crocker with sweets than paula dean with meats
·         What's your favorite food? Hands down, OKRA! Cooked any way possible!
·         Do you have brothers and sisters? Two older half brothers; we all share a dad, but have different moms.
·         Which sport do you like?  Football
·         Do you live in a house or an apartment? Town house
·         Have you ever lived in another country? Sure haven’t
·         How do you spend your free time? Mostly doing something crafty like painting
·         What are your hobbies? Crafting, lake activites and baking
·         What countries have you visited? The Bahamas on a cruise, Canada and Dominican Republic on mission trips
·         What do you do on Sundays? Church, lunch or dinner with the family and then come back to Greenville! (family is in Chapin)
·         What is your motto in life? “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade and sell it for a profit”
·         What kind of food do you like? Country cooking! Meat and 3s J
·         Which languages do you speak? Mostly English. I took French for 9 years growing up, and can only speak very look now.
·         Who do you respect the most? My mother            
·         Who has had the most influence in your life? Mom and grandma
·         Would you like to be famous? Sure to an extent…
·         What do you think you will be doing five years from now? Having babies
·         Are you a 'morning' or 'night' person? Morning person once I actually get out of the bed
·         When do you feel best? In the morning, afternoon, or evening? Afternoon
·         What cartoon character best describes you? I grew up loving Alivn and the Chipmunks so I would say Alvin describes me because he is the leader of the group. He is enthusiastic, and fearless. And we both like the color red!
·         If you could live anywhere in the world for a year, where would it be? I would love to live in Dominican Republic for a year! I have been itching to go back, since I returned from my mission trip in 2010.
·         If you knew could you try anything and not fail, what dream would you attempt?  I would be Miss America
·         Would you rather take pictures or be in pictures? Take pictures
·         Are you a beach, country, mountain or city person? Definitely beach
·         If given a chance to choose your name, which name would you choose? I wish I had a family name and that I went by my first and middle name. I mean how many girls named Jessica have you met in your life!!
·         Which are the cities in which you have lived? Grew up in Chapin, went to school in Aiken, now in Greenville.
·         What are the jobs which you have worked on? I flipped burgers and made ice cream at Zesto, blew insulation in attics (with a machine) & also re-shingled roofs, worked as a manager at a small boutique, worked in a printing company on machines making sales papers & booklets, I was a courier/ legal assistant throughout college, worked on Nikki Haley’s campaign to become governer & Alan Wilson’s campaign to become attorney general, worked in the accounting department at a law firm doing refinances, AND now here!!!
·         What could you do as a child that you can't do now? Run for long periods of time
·         Who is the person whom you admire the most and why? My mom for being so courageous, strong willed, and faithful.
·         What are the things which make you crazy? People who don’t use their blinkers
·         Which was the last film which really moved or disturbed you? I watched a lot of movies when I first moved up here because I didn’t have cable. I would have to say that one that really touched me was Safe Haven. It is a chick flick!
·         Which is the television show which you have seen and would like to watch over and over again and quote lines from it? America’s Funniest Videos, I can watch them over and over and still laugh just as hard!
·         If you can have an animal or creature, what would you your pet be? A tiger
·         What did you want to be when you were a kid? I was going to be a professional ice skater till I was in the 9th grade.
·         Which is the next planned event which you are looking forward to in your life? My boyfriend’s second niece will be born in the beginning of August, so I am looking forward to meeting her!
·         If you are given a chance to meet anyone, living or dead, who would you, meet? John F Kennedy
·         If you could witness any event past, present or future, what would it be? I would be interested to see how my grandmothers grew up as kids in the 1930s and 40s.

Smiling BIG because I'm glad to have all my teeth in my mouth today :)

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