
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Bachlorette Recap Night 2 Andi

One word basically sums up the entire Monday night episode of The Bachelorette: STOP!

Andi started off her season with 19 guys who all at this point seem pretty obsessed with her. She chose Eric the Explorer for the first one on one date in which they spent half the day on the beach and then were whisked away by helicopter to a mountain to go snow boarding together. Lucky for Andi, Eric the Explorer is good at Everything and was able to help teach her how to be a pro too. She picked him up in her fancy sports convertible car and drove to the beach, and this is where her key phrase started, STOP! Of what we saw of their date, she was not shy of using the word to let Eric know how impressed she was at his exciting life including him saying his siblings were married with kids…
A big missed opportunity of the night for Andi was when pro snow boarder Louie Vito taught her how to snow board and she couldn't respond to his gentle touches as he guided her around the snow.

The second date card invited 14 guys to “bare our souls” which they automatically decided meant they were getting naked. And boy oh boy were they right! Since Andi was awkwardly embarrassed last season with Juan Pablo’s dog photo shoot for charity, she decided to do the same thing for guys this season by making them the entertainment of the night at a male strip club. Not exactly sure how I feel about these because I really didn’t know they existed!
Of course the pro baseball player Josh was included in that group date, because Andi was imagining him taking his clothes off on night 1 of them first meeting. During the date, he quickly was the first to give her lap dance while Craig creepily watched in the background wishing he would have had that idea first. Speaking of Craig, he was checking out the other guys all day instead of focusing on Andi. He even asked the women backstage for an extra towel to stuff in his speedo!
The best thing about the strip club date was that Andi invited two friends from last season to enjoy this date with her, My favorite Kelly the Dog Lover, and also the opera singer Charlene.
After their early afternoon strip club date, all the guys and Andi went back to the house for I assume dinner and drinks, but all we saw was Craig getting really drunk and talking more about the guys he was intimidated attracted by. The little one on one parts that we saw was Josh bragging, or what he thought was conversation about him being an ex pro baseball player and him not wanting that stereotype. Stu was watching this part with me and quickly pointed out that sports run in their family because he looks just like his brother that played for UGA. I was less interested in the sports part of it, but more on the fact that when I was 18 years old, he was probably my dream guy! Oh how times change!!

The third date card and one on one date was given to my favorite, Chris the Iowa Farmer. I quickly texted Bri when I saw his outfit getting out of the car to meet Andi because he was in shorts, a tee shirt and some bright green flip flops that didn’t match his outfit at all. He looked like he was getting ready to go out on the lake and definitely not to a horse race. Luckily Andi planned ahead and had him a dressing room ready full of suits and ties that were his size.
Their horse race date was complete with an adorable old couple who gave their relationship advice to Andi and Chris.Andi seemed to really enjoy her company on the date, and I fell more in love with him already! He really seems like a genuine guy there for the right reasons, but as much as I love him, I hope he doesn’t last long with Andi so him and Bri can make a love connection for theirselves in Iowa! I have already began arranging this by sending him a friend request on facebook . Yes… I know what youre thinking. That’s Creepy, but its not because I am doing it for a friend!!

In the end, the rose ceremony was like every other showing the intense moments of the guys night while standing in that chorus line set up waiting to be given a rose for the night. Andi sent three guys home including Creepy Craig, Carl the hipster and Nick S who looked like a whole different person with his cute little beanie hat on.

My favorite is definitely Chris because I want him to date Bri, but for Andi, my favorite is Marcus. She made that poor guy do a solo at the strip club and he was clearly one of the  most nervous there! I think that Andi’s favorite continues to be Josh, but possibly JJ, who I bet will get a one on one date next week!

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