
Thursday, November 14, 2013

Zeta Moms

I miss my sorority so much sometimes to the fact that it might unhealthy. College Zeta was the best 4 years of my life so far, and I can't even explain the bond that is formed between the sisters and your letters.

My mom was never a sorority girl, or a girly girl for that matter. She doesn't wear makeup, usually is in jeans, and pearls are not a necessity in her wardrobe. I never thought that I would be in a sorority when I got to college, but when I decided to join, my mom was not a huge fan. She was the middle child, and grew up very close to her 2 sisters. I don't think she understood why I would want 38 sisters of my own, when I had basically grew up an only child. It didn't take me or mom long to fall in love with Zeta though! I will never forget mom taking me shopping and buying me new stuff that was all zeta teal and then taking a picture of me with my new ZTA sticker on my car :)

I loved our events where our parents could come and see what we had done over the year! Mother Daughter Tea was during the first semester of school and it was just a little brunch where our moms got to meet and mingle with each other. We basically were all grown up and still playing "tea". My mom always loved coming to it, and the awesome tshirts she got out of it! I loved going home on the weekends to see my mom going shopping in her zeta thsirt!

I think that is a little part of her today that misses Zeta as well! Whether it's us missing out on the Mother Daughter Teas together, or just me calling her to tell her what happened at chapter tonight, there was a part of her that loved Zeta too!

Mother Daughter Tea our Freshman year of college! We had only been in Zeta for a little over a month, and I loved the fact that there was an event that I could share with my mom!

Mother Daughter Tea my sophomore year. By this time I was the historian in our chapter. At your mom's second tea, you get to give her the mother pin of Zeta.

There was no way that Bri could live with Angela and I and not join Zeta! I will never forget the night that Bri called us in her room and sat us on her bed to tell us something very important. We had thought something must be really wrong with our Bri Bri! We had no idea that she was just telling us she had decided to rush Zeta!
This was my junior year at Mother Daughter Tea at Hopeland Gardens. This was my year as Vice President in the chapter. I got to help the special events chair plan the Tea and decide on fun games to play with our moms. I apparently thought that it was too hot to wear clothes this day !!

Mother Daughter Tea my senior year. This was especially sad since it was my last one. I was president at the time and I was very proud to bring along my grandma to share in this event with us. Since I take after Ma with my outgoing personality, I knew that she would enjoy getting to play sorority girl for the day!

Looking back at this picture really makes me sad. Bri, Angela and myself went though so much together in college! From our freshman year to our senior year, we had grown so much as best friends and Zeta sisters.

Bri and I were lucky enough to bring our grandmas along! We are so thankful to have these two beautiful women in our lives today. We are both mini versions of them :)

Throw what ya know!!

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