
Monday, September 9, 2013

No Good, Very Bad, Horrible Day!!

Yesterday started out like any other Sunday... Wake up, go down to Ma and Papa's house, talk to the family, then get ready to head back to Greenville. I was so excited to be helping the USC Upstate girls with recruitment, so I was leaving earlier than normal. I had everything packed up, including Tipsy, and hit the road to Greenville right past. Over half way there, there was a point on the interstate where we all had to slam on breaks. I heard things crashing from the back seat, and toppling over , and i was just praying that nothing had fallen in the kitty litter. I pulled over off the next exit to make sure everything was ok. That's when I realized it. I had left my work computer at home in Chapin.
I was already running late to make it to Spartanburg for recruitment, and I didn't have time to turn around now. I called Mom and asked her if she could meet me later in the afternoon so that I could come get it and not have to drive all the way back. Meanwhile I was trying to calm down Tipsy, who was being really loud and obnoxious running back and forth in the car seats. I got back on the interstate with my irate cat and was headed to Greenville. Next thing I know, she was propped up on the door handle getting ready to poop on my lap! I pushed her off and flung her into the passenger seat. I don't even know where this craziness came from, because she has always done so good riding in the car!!
I kept her off my seat as I pulled over 2 short exits down where we had just been. I locked my doors, turned the car off, and jumped in the back seat. I grabbed Tipsy and put her in the litter box that is always in the back of the car when she is with me! Stupid cat didn't want anything to do with it. In a panic, I called Stuart to see what the heck I should do. After he stopped laughing and realized I was seriously about this whole bizarre story, he suggested I put the litter box in the front seat with me. I put it in the passenger floor board, and started off again. I was only 10 miles from getting off at the exit I needed to, so I was for sure we would make it! We DID NOT even get a mile down the road before it came. She jumped back up on the my lap, set her self up on the door, and there in my lap, she did it. Tipsy pooped in my lap, going down the interstate, while I was driving! I don't even know how I managed to keep my eyes on the road and not throw her out the window. I luckily had a napkin in the door, so I quickly grabbed it, scooped the poop off me and then seat, and threw it right in the litter box that was conveniently beside me.
I was mortified!! Who does that?!? Who's cat poops on them!!

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