
Friday, February 14, 2014


10:23pm, an earthquake just hit!!!

Stu and I were sitting on the couch. I had the computer in my lap and he was scrolling through the internet on his phone. All of a the water in the fish tank started to shake and suddenly the glass door in front of us did to.
Stu: "Was that an earthquake?"
Jess: "Nope it was probably a really big train."
Stu: "Nope, pretty sure it was an earthquake."
Jess: "Probably just the chimney on fire or something"
Stu: "Well I hope it was an earthquake. That'd be cool."
Neither of us really thought anything else about it. Mom had driven Ma home (1 min down the road) and walked back in the house with us 5 mins later. She asked us if the house shook because she was at Ma's house and the door handle was shaking as she tried to get in. I couldn't believe what she was saying... how had she felt our chimney catch on fire?!
Stu got on facebook right away and started laughing as he read out people's status'. It really was an earthquake! We automatically turned on the news and started catching up on what is really happening!

I watched the movie 2012 recently and the end of the world has been on my mind! After this major snow storm we have had this week, I have really been telling people that it is happening.

We are sitting here now, an hour later and having fun laughing at what everyone is saying about this crazy earthquake!!!

Cory Durst: THE END IS NEAR!!
Amanda Smith: Ok, Fun is over Mother Nature.
Pam Amick: I Miss all the good stuff... Never felt a thing :(
Will Treacy: So I was about to march upstairs and yell at my upstairs neighbors for being so loud... Apparently that was an earthquake... Oops
Anna Kate Pitts: Not gonna lie...I thought it was the end of the world. Lol! Snowpocalypse, now this...
Joshua Shealy: Did anyone else run around their house and try to remember everything You learned in third grade earthquake drills!?
Dan Whitehead: Clearly, SC shivered from all the snow and ice.
Savanah Garnto: Something terribly wrong is going on! We have had an ice storm with no power for three days and now we just had an earthquake! Mother Nature better get it together fast.

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Monday, February 10, 2014

Bachelor Recap Night 6

My short recap of this episode:
  • Juan Pablo got a vocabulary lesson from a few of the girls. “Frazzled”, “Bolt”, and “You Don’t Waste Time”
  • He thinks with his tongue and penis over his eyes and heart.
  • Juan Pablo ranks the girls on how blonde their hair is and how well they can kiss.
  • Sharleen’s panties will drop for The Hobbit.
  • Cassandra is a baby who has a baby.
  • Clare is not the kind of girl I like to associate my self with.
  • Juan Pablo is stingy with his kisses towards some girls, but not with his wiener! – Stuart (I had to give him credit for that one since he said it)

scroll down to the bottom to see a surprise picture! 

So tonight’s show really got me thinking about how easy I can sit here and write about The Bachelor, but when I was in school, it took me so long to write two pages of something else. Clearly that means that my opinions are other places… therefore this post of very much what I felt during tonight’s show!

 It started off with Clare being her whiny and annoying self. Cassandra is getting a lot of air time this show, and if I know these Bachelor Producers, then it means she is getting sent home!!

Andi got the first one on one date in New Zealand and all of the girls threw knives at her with their eyes! Cassandra and Renee are really realizing how much they miss their sons. It is really setting in this week to them that their boyfriend has 7 other girlfriends!

Juan Pablo said that every time he goes out with Andi on group dates, he likes it and wants to talk to her more… well then why has it taken him this long to take her on a one on one date!!! They went on a speed boat and then found their way into some hidden cave with a waterfall so that he could hold her in the water and attempt to eat her face. The way that he kisses these girls makes thing that he secretly wishes he was a vampire.

I am not sure where they are in New Zealand, but wherever their dinner is, it must be cold because they are all bundled up. A huge geyser exploded while they were trying to eat dinner, so their food was a no go. Good for Andie though, JP remembered to zip the rose up in his jacket so he was able to give it to her before the date was over.

During Andi’s date, the second date card came in and Cassandra was beyond pissed that she didn’t get the one on one date, but instead Clare did.  Today is Cassandra’s 22nd bday!!! I don’t know about you, but that blew my mind!! She has a son and came on the show when she was only 21 years old… I mean what?!

All the girls got out of their little jeep on the group date and the wind was blowing like crazy! Kat makes the comment that they are all dressed and ready for wind, yet they all have their hair down…They sit down for a romantic picnic with their boyfriend, and 5 of his other girlfriends and Chelsi is the first to ask him for some alone time. I have not been a fan of Chesli since the beginning, but lord, bless her heart tonight! She walks off with JP and says “This is my favorite place. It reminds a lot of Ohio.”
After lunch, they went and played in some giant hamster inflatable balls and rolled around some hills. Looks like a lot of fun, or maybe a lot of puke. Not my cup of tea I suppose.
For dinner, he took them to what I thought was Snow White’s House or maybe Goldie Locks cottage, but it ended up being a place where they had filmed Lord of the Rings. The girls surprisingly seemed super excited about being there, especially Sharleen.

JP apparently likes to kiss Sharleen because he literally was like “hey, how are you doing?” and then stared kissing her!!! He constantly tells all the girls to not question themselves and to make the best of everything… but like come on, how many girls are we keeping this rose ceremony Juan?

Before JP handed the rose out, he asked Cassandra to walk outside and talk with him… OUCH! He just sent her home on her birthday. As Juan Pablo walks back into the fairy tale cottage, he explains that he knew Cassandra wasn’t right for him, and he didn’t want to wait until the rose ceremony to keep her away from his son. All the girls seemed to be a little upset and teary eyed, except for Sharleen. Because she got the rose!

Clare starts out on her one and one and thinking that she deserves an “I’m Sorry” from Juan Pablo today. Let’s think about this Clare… You are mad that you had sex with him and he is worried about his daughter now seeing it on TV. She then goes on and is like well did I do something wrong!? I mean what are my boundaries. Gahhh this girl is cray!!!! JP keeps going on about how sexy Clare is and hot she makes him… Blah. I’m sure that has nothing to do with what they did last week though.

I lost interest after they made up and started playing with Tipsy till I saw Chris Harrison come on the screen.

Nikki says she likes a man in pink underwear and then says she likes JP and when he asked her why she likes him she said “I just do”, and he kisses her… If you could only see my face!!! Please just name one reason for me Nikki, just one!!

The rose ceremonies are getting really emotional for Juan Pablo because he is having to send home girls that he hasn't gotten a chance to make out with yet. 

Clare is stupid happy that he sent Kat home tonight. She couldn't wipe that stupid smile off her face. 

Here are some photos of Cassandra's baby Trey and baby daddy!

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Saturday, February 8, 2014

Valentines Day Outfits

Valentines day is this coming Friday! Stu and I have a wedding shower on Saturday and are heading home on Friday after work, so we are going to celebrate early :) Since we technically already gave each other gifts, we are just going out to eat for dinner. I have reservations at a great restaurant in Greenville for Wednesday night. It will be a surprise for Stu and I have a few more things up my sleeve!

I wish I was one of those girls that took pictures of what I wore daily, but I am usually caught in leggings and a tshirt! We have occasional date nights, but I want to look extra cute for this one since its Valentines day of course!

Since I have had the day to myself (Pink eye in both eyes), I did some shopping online!... Unfortunately I didn't buy anything though. I was looking for some ideas for a date night outfit and found some below... Hopefully I can get out of this house tomorrow and find something for myself.

 I am definitely a girl to choose heels over flats. I am actually having problems finding shoes that I want to wear for the wedding day because I'm torn between what to wear! Anyways, the first outfit is fun and flirty! I love to pair a loose top with skinny jeans and throw a blazer on any day. I have a couple pairs of booties like the ones below, but I mostly prefer a simple pair of heels. You can bet I'll be wearing some bright lipstick though!

Outfit number 2 is simple and cute. Another loose top, but paired with a skirt instead. I haven't found a skirt this style that actually looks good on me yet, but it's on my list! The nude heels below are my go to shoes! I have quit a few that color actually. 
Outfit number 3 is sweet and sassy. This color pink is so fun to wear and makes all girls feel young and feminine! You could pair this dress with these black accessories for a date night, and wear it with some pops of color during the day. 

Outfit number 4 is sexy and seductive. I love how the dress fits around your hips. I think this style looks great on all size women! The love the lace overlay on top. I am also a huge fan of red!! I like the shoes, but would prefer them without the strap around the ankle. 
I'll be sure to post pictures when I find what I'll be wearing out!

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Friday, February 7, 2014

First Week Down -Nanny Diaries

My first week with the kiddos is done! We had an exciting week, other than the fact that I missed out on them today since I got pink eye. We had craft time, snack time, and played together every afternoon. These two are so sweet when they are by their selves, but are an unstoppable duo when they are together!

Mary Mac is so precious and loves her brother!! She usually wakes up from her nap before he does. When its just her and I, she loves to play with my phone or play with Anne (family dog), but when we hear Rollins wake up, she is full speed crawling to his room! She loves to eat, smile, and be chased!

Rollins is a little sweet heart! He loves to color, do crafts and be a superhero! Every day we come in from school, put Memer's down for her nap and then go into his room and read a book before his nap. He loves his stuffed animals and especially his puppy Anne!

Anne is the dog that I want someday! She is so great with the babies! They pull her tail and play with her ears and she just lays there and lets it happen. She always has a ball in her mouth or by her side. Anne follows me upstairs or downstairs, and especially stays close during snack time. She often checks on Rollins during his naps and keeps me company while the babies are sleeping.

This weeks adventures included putting stickers on a styrofoam smiley face, coloring superheros, playing hide and seek in open places, pulling Memers off Rollins’ back multiple times, and opening my heart to these two love bugs! 

Things I have learned this week: Snack time means messy time, Dr. Seuss uses the word Milf, baby clothes are cute and tiny but hard to fold, legos are still fun to play with, lincoln logs will never go out of style. 

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Pink Eye is the new Black Eye

Since I was young, pink eye has been something I get yearly. Unfortunately if I come in contact with someone who's got it, I am bound to get it. 

I was fine yesterday morning. Got up, worked out, ran some errands and then came home to get ready to go pick up the babies from day care. When I left the house at 1:30 yesterday, I felt like my eye was burning a little bit, but I really didn't think anything about it. By the time I picked up Rollins and MM at day care, it was a little watery. Soon after I got them down for their naps, it had some gunk in it. I went to the bathroom and wiped it out, but just thought it was some makeup or something. Well needless to say, it continued to get worse and worse :(

By the time I got home last night, I had already called my uncle to call me in something for pink eye. 

 Top left picture is yesterday at 3:00 pm. 
Top right picture is yesterday at 7:00 pm. 
Bottom left picture is last night at 10:00 pm and bottom right is this morning at 9:00 am. 

It is still pretty sore this morning. I have never had my whole eye swell up like it is now. I slept on the couch last night and prayed that Tipsy didn't jump up here and want to love on me! I'm headed back to Chapin here shortly, so I am hoping that I don't pass it to Mom and anyone else this weekend!
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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Nanny Diaries

Thus starts the Nanny Diaries J Yesterday was my first day with the family I am now nannying for. The first time I met them, I literally came home and told Stuart that I wanted to be just like them when we grow up! They have two adorable babies, Rollins who is almost 3, and Mary Mac (Memers) who is 14 months.

Luckily they both warmed up to me pretty quickly! Lee (Mom) came home with me to help get them both down for naps before she went back to work. Memers went down easy, but I sat in Rollins room with him as he read me a story before his nap. Shortly after he went to sleep, I heard Memers start crying. I peaked my head in her room and she was standing up in her crib. She has a massive attack of the hiccups.

I got her up and played with her a bit before I gave her some graham crackers for a snack. They also have a lab named Ann. She is a wonderful vacuum cleaner. We went in the living room to Rollins train set and played with it for a little before he woke up and wanted to join in on the fun. We played a few minutes before getting our shoes on and heading outside to play until Lee got home!

Things I learned on my first day:
Memers is a pro at drolling.
She is also a little giggle box.
She wants to do everything Rollins does.
Rollins is all boy.
He wants Memers to always be with him.
Ann is old, but loves to play fetch.

I will wear my hair up today!

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Monday, February 3, 2014

Bachelor Recap Night 5... FAIL

So I missed last weeks Bachelor recap, but I am on my game tonight blogging as the show airs! I must warn you though, if you get offended easily, I don’t care. This is how I feel!

First off, I love this show! … this season, not so much. I think it’s that I really just don’t like Juan Pablo though. Especially after watching tonight’s episode. This was literally my face half way through...

Tonight everyone flew from South Korea to Vietnam for this week’s adventures of love. All the girls seemed to get settled in nicely, after last week’s awkward villain moments with Nikki.

Renee was chosen for the first one on one date. They shopped in some kind of market and he even took her to a dress store where they made a special dress for her! She went back and got the dress before dinner and it looked stunning on her! She seems to really be falling for him and always thinking about kissing him, even though it hasn’t happened yet. During dinner, Juan Pablo really connected with her, and he even said he could see a future with her. After dinner, JP gave her a rose, but failed to deliver on the kiss. He did have good reasons behind it because he said he didn’t want her son to watch and thing he is getting a new step dad…

While Renee was on her date, the girls sat at home and pondered who would get the other one on one date as always. Andi is going a little crazy over getting time alone with Juan Pablo. She was chosen for another group date though, while Nikki got it instead.

The group date started with all the girls meeting Juan Pablo at the water to start their day in some bamboo boats. JP told them to all pair off, so they all had a buddy except for Clare. Well in the words of Kelly, “That’s the first time in anyone’s life that having no friends is to their advantage.” I totally agree! Clare is getting to be the attention hog of the group. Once they got off their boats, they walked to a Vietnamese families house and had lunch after picking it themselves. They literally were given hats and bowls and then sent to the field to pick different vegetables.

So yet again, they all magically change into their dresses for dinner. They all were sitting around a table outside ready for some one on one time with JP when he asked to talk to Clare first. After he had spent most of the day with her, grabbing her first pissed off most of the girls. He surprisingly took her to his suite and they got in his pool… what the what?! I can’t even imagine how they walked back to the group after that.

The rose on the group date was pretty intense! All the girls were crazy mad when he gave it to Clare! Danielle and Alli are continuing to get overlooked on these group dates, but other girls like Kat, Chelsi and Cassandra didn’t seem to stand out either. Kelly has some of the best commentary and facial expressions for everything. I want her to stay on the show just for her attitude at this point. JP is getting too predicable and is kinda annoying me at this point.

All the girls went back home and talked about how tired they were, so Clare took advantage of that and took off to his suite! They got their bathing suits on and went swimming… Wait no. Clare said it was magical and she just let her self go. I mean what?! Congratulations on looking like a slut on national tv Clare AND Juan Pablo. Looks like next time she gets out of a limo, she won't have to fake a pregnancy. I believe the ocean had a condom for you too. 

I am so confused after what just happened… I am finding myself utterly disgusted with JP at this point as he goes to his date with Nikki even though I am not a fan of her. The only thing pretty about her today is her hair. I wonder if the producers tell them what kind of clothes to bring, because they all seemed to have the same Daisy Duke shorts and cut off tank tops with tennis shoes.

Anyways, he takes Nikki to this cave, and they climb down to the bottom of it. Of course she was the damsel in distress and cried a bit before they started their journey. They made it down quite a bit and she started to freak out, so as always, JP gives his magic kiss and makes it all better. And wouldn’t you know… they finished and she felt so great about her self. Ugh… way to go Nikki! Way to suck.

On a good note for her, she is pediatric nurse, and that is no easy job. She has to be some kind of a good person, and have a heart, to have that job! She had many good things to say during their talk tonight so I guess she deserved the rose tonight.

Juan Pablo made the rose ceremony night very tense by walking in and saying he was going to send home three girls tonight. He pulled Renee aside and they walked off to talk. In the middle of her sentence, he grabbed her face and started slobbering all over it. Renee was beyond excited and went off dancing to the cameras about it. You go girl!!

Next Juan Pablo pulled Clare aside and told her that the other night was weird for him because he is trying to be as fair as possible. … So does that mean he wants to sleep with all the other girls now too? I think that Clare just went down in JP’s list. I know she went to the bottom of mine. He went on to say that his daughter was going to see this episode and not like it because of his actions. Is it crazy to me to think that a 5 year old wouldn’t know what was going on in the ocean? I mean I wouldn’t have understood when I was 10 years old!!

When he finally walked back to the all the girls, there was a weird, tense vibe going on and they know something is up! … so far no one has found out about Juan Pablo and Clare’s sexcapade, but I can only imagine everyone seeing this tonight!! Women Tell All… here we come!

Last Season: Sean and Catherine wait to have sex until marriage and are adorable! This Season: Sex on episode 5 and they are disusting. 

With Renee, Clare and Nikki already having roses, Juan Pablo called Sharleens name first with Cassandra to follow. Then Chelsi, Kat and lastly Andi. Goodbyes went out to Danielle, Alli and I am so sad to say Kelly!

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Sunday, February 2, 2014

Makeup VS None

With the wedding coming up so soon, we are trying to get the day of details ready! One thing that I haven't put much time towards was my makeup, hair or shoes. I assume I will do my own makeup, and I have hired a girl to come do my hair. I have no idea where to start on shoes though!! 

I have been playing with a few new kinds of makeup, and think I know what I will use for all day use. I usually don't use much makeup other than light eye shadow and mascara on a daily basis, so I hope I'm doing it right! Your tips are appreciated :)

Here is what I am using:
  • I start with some sample foundation I picked up from Mac.
  • Then I use a bareMinerals basic power. Fairly Medium C20
  • Next I use a shimmer power that is also BareMinerals. Secret Radiance. 
  • After that I use one of these two types of blush. One is from Ulta and the other is bareMinerals Charm.

And then starts the eyes! This is by far my favorite eye shadow palate I have ever bought! It is Urban Decay Naked 3. I've looked up a few tutorials on Pinterest, so I am going by those. 

 Last thing I do is my eyeliner, mascara and eyebrows. 

  • I am not bias to a particular type of eye liner. I am currently using this bareMinerals around the clock eye waterproof eyeliner. It last all day and doesn't mess up when I wipe my eyes often!
  • On the other hand, I am really picky about what kinds of mascara I use since I pull out my lashes. A year ago I bought my first tube of bareMinerals Flawless Definition Volumizing. I love this stuff! It last for hours, and it's easy to take off with makeup remover. You can buy their mini one that is a little bit cheaper if you want to try it. 
  • Lastly comes my eyebrows! I tend to get a little crazy with the tweezers sometimes, so I draw them in when needed. Since my hair tends to fade to an auburn color after I dye it, I use this Maybelline Expert Wear Eyeliner, color Light Brown. 

 Here are my before and after pictures... If you have any comments and tips, Please Share!!!

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