
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Last weekend as a single woman

How has the past 8 months gone by so fast! I swear there were some points of our engagment that we thought our wedding day would never get here! Now we're only a week away!

To celebrate our last weekend as an engaged couple, we headed to Charleston Friday after work and stayed the weekend with a friend who lives in Mount Pleasant. Luckily Drew loves us all so much, he let Joey, Walt, Stuart and myself crash in his living room. He had to work all weekend so unfortunately he wasn't able to go out with us at night, be he did get to join us for dinner Saturday night!

We got down there late so we met the boys out at Midtown where ones of Stu's longest friends/ groomsmen was bartending. We love love love visiting Fred in Charleston and I am excited that I finally got to meet his gorgeous girlfriend this weekend. After a late night, we headed home to get some sleep for a big day Saturday.

When we got up, we changed clothes and went to brunch at a yummy spot on Sheem Creek called Shelter. The boys had gone to dinner here the night before and must have really liked it since they were back for their next meal. Bloody Marys are my favorite morning drink so I ordered one when we got there. The waiter brought out our waters and the boys beer and I realized he had one glass full of ice and half water. As he started handing out the drinks, he asked me if i'd like to make my own bloody mary at the bar or if I wanted them too make it? I shrugged and figured I would make my own as he handed me the half full glass. I took a big gulp of water and went to get up and my own drink. As I swallowed the clear liquid, it hit me hard that this was not water. This was vodka for me to make my drink with. I stopped in shock and couldn't say anything but Oh. No. The waiter looked at me confused as all the boys began to laugh when they realized what I had just done.
Needless to say, you never know what you'll get with me!

After lunch, the weather had cleared up and looked like the sun was coming out, so Stu, Walt and I headed to the pool with some drinks for the afternoon! For an afternoon that was expected to be rainy, it turned out to be a sunny day for us. We enjoyed a yummy dinner at Coleman's Public House and then headed downtown to party again :)

Sunday morning we all got up and headed home. Stu and I had a long day ahead of us including meeting with our officiant, getting dinner with my family, taking birthday fruit pizza to ma in the hospital and then driving back to Greenville.

This picture unfortunately shows that everyone either forgot about my birthday or forgot about our dinner plans... The only people that ending up showing up was Mom, Dad, and Aunt Allie. Where's the love?!

After dinner, we headed back to Mom's and packed up the car with stuff for the wedding before heading to see Ma. She was doing well and of course we were all excited to see each other even if the circumstances weren't the best. I pray that she will receive her strength back and will be able to attend the wedding this Saturday!!!

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